Thursday, June 21, 2012

Raising Money

Raising money is a lot harder than I anticipated. My plan was to have the foundation up and running smoothly by this time. But I am into this all out of pocket with no help so far and a long list of people wanting journals. I want to help people so bad but I can't hurt my family financially by doing so.

I am stuck on what to do? Do I move forward and keep pushing or throw in the towel and call it a loss?

I need some kind of reassurance I guess?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Positive Journeys

So much has happened in my life since the loss of my baby Maxxton. I am working on a positive journey for the future and being able to help others thru our losses together.

I started the Maxxton Foundation AKA "I'm With You". With this I am providing custom journals to parents of an angel. In order to keep this going, I have different items I am selling to raise the money. Some hand made, some made in bulk.

I just want to feel comfort and I have found that in helping others feel comfort. <3

like my Facebook page: "I'm With You" or check out the WebStore

Thank you everyone for your continued support!


